Rabindranath Tagore: “The Stream of Life" - Az let folyama
Ez a vers Tagor Gitanjali-jbl van. Az egyszerbb cme Praan, ami "letet" jelent bengliul. Az angol fordtst Tagore ksztette, sajt maga.
Az let ramlsa
Az letnek ugyanaz az ramlsa fut keresztl ereimen jjel-nappal keresztl fut a vilgon s tncol ritmikus temben.
Ez ugyanaz az let ami sarjadzik rmben a fld porn keresztl a megszmllhatatlan fpengben s megtrik a kavarg levelek s virgok hullmn.
Ez ugyanaz az let ami ringott az cenblcsben a szletsbl s a hallbl, aplyban s daglyban.
rzem vgtagjaim felkszltek a mrhetetlen let dics rintsre. s ltem tetpontjn letem lktet tncolva vremben ebben pillanatban. (ms fordtsa)
Egy j kis szm:
Kicsim kedvenct, csak neki:
s utolsnak egy nagyon gyes Dub Fx-es src eladsa:
A ht kpe/szvege :D
Nem sajt szveg, da nagyon tetszik:
"Mintha egy vilg fl hajl magas szrke szirt szln lnl, tkarolod a felhzott trdeid s azokra hajtod a fejed. Alattad pr vattafehr ttetsz felhfoszlny. de nem akadlyozzk hogy lsd a lent mozg apr pontokknt nyzsg embereket. Azonnal megjelenik eltted teljes valjban brmelyikre gondolsz, mint egy trhats kivett kpe, lassan fordul krbe ha akarod, beszl hozzd ha akarod, minden krdsedre vlaszol ha akarod.
De mr j ideje nem akarod, csak lsz ott fenn a szirt tetejn s nzed ket...
s akkor megltod. Nem is... inkbb megrzed. Ott lent is van egy, ott is l valaki egymagban s is nzi a krltte srg-forg apr pontokat. Szrnya becsukva. Arca knnyektl maszatos. Angyal."
"Nem a munkd vagy. Nem a bankszmld vagy. Nem a kocsid vagy. Nem a pnztrcd vagy. Nem a rohadt egyenruhd vagy. A vilg nekl-dalol szarhalma vagy"
"A legersebb s legblcsebb frfiak llnak itt krlttem. Sok nagy lehetsg, ami pocskba megy. Az egsz elkrt nemzedk benzint csapol, kajt tlal vagy nyakkends rabszolgnak llt. Reklmok parancsra kocsikra gyjtnk, melzunk, hogy legyen pnznk a sok felesleges cuccra. A trtnelem zabigyerekei vagyunk. Nincs se clunk, se helynk. Nincs vilghbornk, se vlsgunk. A mi hbornk szellemi hbor, a mi vlsgunk az letnk. A tv elhitette velnk, hogy egy szp napon milliomosok, filmcsillagok s rocksztrok lesznk. Pedig nem lesznk. Erre lassan rdbbennk, s nagyon, nagyon bergunk."
A filmnek s az albumnak is a szvegei.
Angolul s magyarul is! ;)
Pink Floyd THE WALL A FAL magyar fordts
/csak a filmen/
Karcsony csak egyszer van, s minden lny s fi mr j elre izgul, a zskban mi lapul.
De ismerek egy kisfit, aki soha semmit se kap. Neki olyan az nnep, akr a tbbi nap.
Kit az Angyal is elfeledett tn, br amit krt, nem volt sok igazn.
/only in the movie/
Christmas comes but once a year For every girl and boy The laughter and the joy They find in each new toy.
I'll tell you of a little boy Who lives across the way This little fellow's Christmas Is just another day.
He's the little boy That Santa Claus forgot And goodnes knows He didn't want a lot.
/csak a filmen/
A csf negyvenngyes v egy nyomorsgos korahajnaln letoltk a tisztet, mert megkrdezte, hogy visszavonjk-e az osztagt.
Az rnak a sok tbornok hlt adott, mert a sereg visszavert egy tankoszlopot, s az anzii hdft tartani tudta. Csak prszzan vesztek oda.
/only in the movie/
It was just before dawn One miserable morning in black forty-four When the forward commander Was told to sit tight When he asked, would his man be with drawn ?
And the generals gave thanks As the other ranks Held back the enemy tanks for a while And the Anzio bridgehead Was held for the price Of a few hundred ordinary lives.
Szval gondoltad, hogy j lenne elmenni az eladsra. Vonzott a borzongat zrzavar, a bdt fny. Mondd csak, egy kicsit nem csaldtl, drga? Ez nem az, amit vrtl? Ha kivncsi vagy, mit rejt e hideg szempr, Tz krmddel tpd le rlam az lct...
So ya Thought ya Might like to go to the show. To feel the warm thrill of confusion That space cadet glow. Tell me is something eluding you, sunshine? Is this not what you expected to see? If you wanna find out what's behind these cold eyes You'll just have to claw your way through this disguise.
Mama szeret tged, s papa is becz. A tenger hvogat, kicsim, s az g tiszta kk. De kicsim, kisfiam, kicsim,
ha korcsolyn siklasz a modern lt vkony jegn, vgig utadon sok szemrehny knnyztatta szem ksr. Meg ne lepdj, ha meghasad a jg sikl lbad alatt, s eszedet vesztve a mlybe merlsz, s rettegve kapaszkodsz majd a vkony jgbe.
Momma loves her baby And daddy loves you too. And the sea may look warm to you babe And the sky may look blue But ooooh Baby Ooooh baby blue Oooooh babe.
If you should go skating On the thin ice of modern life Dragging behind you the silent reproach Of a million tear-stained eyes Don't be surprised when a crack in the ice Appears under your feet. You slip out of your depth and out of your mind With your fear flowing out behind you As you claw the thin ice.
Apa vissza sose jn mr. Halvny emlk, semmi ms. Csak egy fnykp az albumban. Apa, mi mst hagytl nrm? Apa, mgis mit hagytl rm? Semmi mst, csupn egy tglt a falban. Semmi mst, csupn egy tglt a falban.
Daddy's flown across the ocean Leaving just a memory Snapshot in the family album Daddy what else did you leave for me? Daddy, what'd'ja leave behind for me?!? All in all it was just a brick in the wall. All in all it was all just bricks in the wall.
/csak a filmen/
J reg Gyrgy kirly oklevelet kldtt, mikor megtudta, hogy apa meghalt. Emlkszem jl, paprtekercs volt, aranyozott. Egy rgi fotkkal teli fik mlyn bukkantam r , s ma is knny fut a szemembe, amikor visszaemlkezem felsge kzjegyre sajt pecstjvel.
Az g stt volt s a talaj fagyott, mikor ttrtek a Tigrisek.
s senki sem lte tl a Kirlyi tzrsg C szzadbl. Mindenkit otthagytak, legtbbje halott volt, a tbbi haldokolt. Ht gy trtnt, a Fparancsnoksg gy vette el tlem apt.
/only in the movie/
And kind old King George Sent mother a note When he heard that Father was gone. It was I recall in the form of a scroll With gold leaf and all And I found it one day In a drawer of old photographs, hidden away And my eyes still grow damp to remember His Majesty signed with his own rubber stamp...
It was dark all around There was frost in the ground When the Tigers broke free.
And no-one survived from The Royal Fusiliers Company C There were all left behind Most of them dead The rest of them dying And that's how the High Command Took my Daddy from me.
Ooooooooo Lttad a rmlt arcokat? Hallottad a hull bombkat? Gondolkoztl azon, mirt kellett fedezkbe vonulnunk, mikor egy szp j vilg igrete bontakozott ki a tiszta kk g alatt? Ooooooooo Lttad a rmlt arcokat? Hallottad a hull bombkat? A lng kihunyt mind, de mardos a kn.
g veled, kk g, g veled, kk g. g veled! g veled. g veled.
Ooooooooo Did you see the frightened ones? Did you hear the falling bombs? Did you ever wonder why we had to run for shelter when the promise of a brave new world unfurled beneath a clear blue sky? Ooooooooo Did you see the frightened ones? Did you hear the falling bombs? The flames are all gone, but the pain lingers on.
Goodbye, blue sky Goodbye, blue sky. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye.
Mikor felnttnk s suliba jrtunk, voltak tanrok, akik minden mdon bntalmaztk a gyerekeket. Kignyoltak minket, brmit csinltunk, s nagydobra vertek mindent, amit gondosan titkolni akartunk. De tudtuk mi vr rjuk otthon a nap vgn: kvr s pszichopata nejk mellett pokol az letk.
When we grew up and went to school There were certain teachers who would Hurt the children in any way they could By pouring their derision Upon anything we did And exposing every weakness However carefully hidden by the kids But in the town, it was well known When they got home at night, their fat and Psychopathic wives would thrash them Within inches of their lives.
Nem krnk a nevelsbl! Nem kell tbb agymoss! Sem gnyolds az osztlyban! Tanr! Szllj le rlunk mr! H! Tanr! Szllj le rlunk mr! Nem vagy ms, csak egy jabb tgla a falban. Semmi ms, csak egy jabb tgla a falban.
We don't need no education We dont need no thought control No dark sarcasm in the classroom Teachers leave them kids alone Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone! All in all it's just another brick in the wall. All in all you're just another brick in the wall.
Anya, szerinted le fogjk dobni a bombt? Anya, szerinted szeretni fogjk ezt a dalt? Anya, sszeroppantjk majd a golyimat? Anya, ptsem fel a falat? Anya, jelltessem elnknek magam? Anya, megbzhatok a kormnyban? Anya, a tzvonalba fognak kldeni? Anya, most tnyleg meg fogok halni?
Csitt, kisfiam, kicsim, ne srjl! Mama valra vltja minden rmlmodat. Mama minden flelmvel titat. Mama gondosan elrejt a szrnya alatt. Szllni nem hagy, de dalolni enged. Mama vigyz rd s melegen tart. kicsim! s segt, hogy felptsd a falat.
Anya, gondolod, hogy j lesz nekem? Anya, ugye nem fog rtani nekem? Anya, ugye az letemet nem teszi tnkre? Anya, ugye a szvemet nem tri ssze?
Csitt, kisfiam, kicsim, ne srjl! Mama kivlasztja majd minden bartndet. Mama romlott lnyt a kzeledbe sem enged. Mama virrasztva vrni fog rd. Mama mindig tudni fogja, merre jrsz. Mama kzben tartja majd kisfit. , kicsim! Nekem mindig a kisfiam maradsz.
Anya, nem lett tl magas?
Mother do you think they'll drop the bomb? Mother do you think they'll like this song? Mother do you think they'll try to break my balls? Mother should I build the wall? Mother should I run for president? Mother should I trust the government? Mother will they put me in the firing line? Mother am I really dying?
Hush now baby, baby, dont you cry. Mother's gonna make all your nightmares come true. Mother's gonna put all her fears into you. Mother's gonna keep you right here under her wing. She wont let you fly, but she might let you sing. Mama will keep baby cozy and warm. Ooooh baby ooooh baby oooooh baby, Of course mama'll help to build the wall.
Mother do you think she's good enough - to me? Mother do you think she's dangerous - to me? Mother will she tear your little boy apart? Mother will she break my heart?
Hush now baby, baby dont you cry. Mama's gonna check out all your girlfriends for you. Mama wont let anyone dirty get through. Mama's gonna wait up until you get in. Mama will always find out where you've been. Mama's gonna keep baby healthy and clean. Ooooh baby oooh baby oooh baby, You'll always be baby to me.
Mother, did it need to be so high?
/csak a filmen/
Hogyan tltsk ki, mondd, a ttong rt, hol az hsg hullma az gre csap? Az arcok tengert kellene tszelnnk, hogy zgjon jra s jra a taps? Akarsz tn egy j gitrt? Egy j autval dbrgbb szguldst? Dolgozzuk t tisztessggel az jszakt? Kssnk bele valakibe? Hagyjuk a villanyt gve? Dobjunk bombt? Jrjuk be Kelet vilgt? Szerezznk nyavalyt? Temessnk csontokat? Dljunk fel otthonokat? Kldjnk virgot telefonon? Kezdjnk el inni? Jrjunk pszicholgushoz? Ne egynk hst? Aludjunk keveset? Tartsunk embereket? Idomtsunk kutykat? Versenyeztessnk patknyokat? Tltsk meg a padlst pnzzel? Kincset rejtsnk? Idt mentsnk? De nyugtot sose talljunk falnak vetve htunk?
/only in the movie/
What shall we use to fill the empty spaces Where waves of hunger roar Shall we set out across this sea of faces In search of more and more applauses Shall we buy a new guitar Shall we drive a more powerful car Shall we work straight through the night Shall we get into fights Leave the lights on Drop bombs Do tours of the East Contract diseases Bury bones Break up homes Send flowers by phone Take to drink Go to shrinks Give up meat Rarely sleep Keep people us pets Train dogs Race rats Fill the attic with cash Bury treasure Store up leisure But never relax at all With our backs to the wall
Mivel tmhetjk be az ressget, mely beszlgetseinknek helyet ad? Hogyan tmhetem be az utols rseket? Hogyan fejezhetem be a falat?
What shall we use to fill the empty spaces Where we used to talk? How should I fill the final places? How should I complete the wall?
j fi vagyok, idegen ebben a vrosban. Hol vannak a j helyek? Ki vezetn krbe ezt az idegent? Oooooh, kne egy romlott asszony! Oooooh, kne egy romlott lny!
Ki segt ebben a sivatagban, hogy frfinak rezzem magam? Itt ez a rock and roll szkevny, , kedves, adj remnyt!
, kne egy romlott asszony! , kne egy romlott lny!
I am just a new boy, Stranger in this town. Where are all the good times? Who's gonna show this stranger around? Ooooh, I need a dirty woman. Ooooh, I need a dirty girl.
Will some cold woman in this desert land Make me feel like a real man? Take this rock and roll refugee Oooh, baby set me free.
Ooooh, I need a dirty woman. Ooooh, I need a dirty girl.
Nap nap utn szrkbb a szerelem, akr egy haldokl bre. Minden jszaka gy tesznk, mintha minden rendben lenne, pedig n egyre csak regszem, te pedig mind jobban elhideglsz tlem, s mr semmi sem olyan j, mint rgen. s rzem, ahogy jbl rmjn a krzis. Hidegnek rzem magam, mint egy borotvapenge, szorosnak, mint egy rleszort gumi, szraznak, mint egy halottas dob.
Szaladj a hlba, balra a brndben megtallod kedvenc baltmat. Ne nzz ilyen rmlten, ez csak ml llapot, csak egy rossz napom. Szeretnl tvt nzni? Vagy gyba bjni? Vagy bmulni a nma utct? Szeretnl enni valamit? Szeretnl megtanulni replni? Szeretnl? Inkbb prbljam meg n?
Akarod hvni a zsarukat? Ideje lenne, hogy lelljak vgre? Mirt szaladsz el?
Day after day, love turns grey Like the skin of a dying man. Night after night, we pretend its all right But I have grown older and You have grown colder and Nothing is very much fun any more. And I can feel one of my turns coming on. I feel cold as a razor blade, Tight as a tourniquet, Dry as a funeral drum.
Run to the bedroom, In the suitcase on the left You'll find my favorite axe. Don't look so frightened This is just a passing phase, One of my bad days. Would you like to watch T.V.? Or get between the sheets? Or contemplate the silent freeway? Would you like something to eat? Would you like to learn to fly? Would'ya? Would you like to see me try?
Would you like to call the cops? Do you think it's time I stopped? Why are you running away?
, kedves! Ne hagyj most el. Ne mondd, hogy ez itt az t vge. Emlkezz a virgokra, amiket kldtem. Szksgem van rd, kedves, hogy a bartaim eltt szttpjelek. Oooooh kedves. Ne hagyj most el. Hogy mehetsz el? Amikor tudod, mennyire kellessz, hogy vresre verjelek egy szombat este. Oooooh kedves. Hogy teheted ezt velem? Hogy elszksz. gy kellesz, kedves! Mirt szksz el tlem? Oooooh kedves!
Ooooh, babe Don't leave me now. Don't say it's the end of the road. Remember the flowers I sent. I need you, babe To put through the shredder In front of my friends Ooooh Babe. Dont leave me now. How could you go? When you know how I need you To beat to a pulp on a Saturday night Ooooh Babe. How could you treat me this way? Running away. I need you, Babe. Why are you running away? Oooooh Babe!
Nem kell kar, hogy tleljen. Nem kell drog, hogy megbktsen. Lttam az rst a falon. Nem kell semmi az gvilgon. Nem! Nem kell semmi az gvilgon! Ezek is mind csak jabb tglk a falban. Ti is csak jabb tglk vagytok a falban.
I don't need no arms around me And I dont need no drugs to calm me. I have seen the writing on the wall. Don't think I need anything at all. No! Don't think I'll need anything at all. All in all it was all just bricks in the wall. All in all you were all just bricks in the wall.
g veled, zord vilg, ma itt hagylak tged. g veled, g veled, g veled.
Isten veletek, emberek, semmit sem mondhattok, amivel lebeszlhettek. g veletek.
Goodbye cruel world, I'm leaving you today. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye.
Goodbye, all you people, There's nothing you can say To make me change my mind. Goodbye.
H, TE!
H te, ott kint a hidegben magnyosan s regen hallassz engem? H te, aki ott llsz a folyosn remeg lbbal s brgy mosollyal, hallassz engem? H te, ne engedd, hogy eltemessk a fnyt, harc nlkl ne add meg magad.
H te, ott kint egymagadban, meztelenl a telefon mellett, szeretnl megrinteni? H te, fledet a falra tapasztva, arra vrva, hogy valaki hvjon, szeretnl megrinteni? H te, segtenl elmozdtani a kvet? Trd ki a szved, hazatrek.
De mindez csak ltoms volt. A fal tl magas, amint lthatod. Mindegy, mivel prblkozott, de nem tudott kitrni. s a frgek elleptk az agyt.
H te, aki ott llsz az ton, s mindig azt teszed amit mondanak, segtenl nekem? H te, ott tl a falon, aki veget trsz a hallban, segtenl nekem? H te, ne mondd, hogy semmi remny, Egytt indultunk, kln r el a vg.
Hey you, out there in the cold Getting lonely, getting old Can you feel me? Hey you, standing in the aisles With itchy feet and fading smiles Can you feel me? Hey you, dont help them to bury the light Don't give in without a fight.
Hey you, out there on your own Sitting naked by the phone Would you touch me? Hey you, with you ear against the wall Waiting for someone to call out Would you touch me? Hey you, would you help me to carry the stone? Open your heart, I'm coming home.
But it was only fantasy. The wall was too high, As you can see. No matter how he tried, He could not break free. And the worms ate into his brain.
Hey you, standing in the road always doing what you're told, Can you help me? Hey you, out there beyond the wall, Breaking bottles in the hall, Can you help me? Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all Together we stand, divided we fall.
Van valaki odakint? Van valaki odakint? Van valaki odakint? Van valaki odakint?
Is there anybody out there? Is there anybody out there? Is there anybody out there? Is there anybody out there?
Van egy fekete noteszom a verseimnek, van kistskm fsnek, fogkefnek, ha j kutya vagyok, vetnek egy csontot nekem.
Lbamon gumipnt tartja a cipm. Nha bskomorsg tr rm. Tizenhrom csatornnyi szemetet fog a tvm. Van elektromos vilgtsom. s van ltnoki ltsom. s bmulatos megrz kpessgem. pp ezrt jl tudom, hogy ha megprblom, hogy hvjalak telefonon, senki nem lesz otthon.
A hajam divatosan hendrixes, s persze a kedvenc szatningem elejt is kigettem egsz lent. Nikotinfoltos az ujjam, ezstkanl lg lncomon, van zongorm, megtmasztani haland testem.
Vad s frksz a szemem, nha replni volna kedvem, de nincs hova szllnom. , kedves, amikor hvlak telefonon, mg mindig senki sincs otthon.
Vannak men cipim s elhalt gykereim.
I've got a little black book with my poems in. Got a bag with a toothbrush and a comb in. When I'm a good dog, they sometimes throw me a bone in.
I got elastic bands keepin my shoes on. Got those swollen hand blues. Got thirteen channels of shit on the T.V. to choose from. I've got electric light. And I've got second sight. And amazing powers of observation. And that is how I know When I try to get through On the telephone to you There'll be nobody home.
I've got the obligatory Hendrix perm. And the inevitable pinhole burns All down the front of my favorite satin shirt. I've got nicotine stains on my fingers. I've got a silver spoon on a chain. I've got a grand piano to prop up my mortal remains.
I've got wild staring eyes. And I've got a strong urge to fly. But I got nowhere to fly to. Ooooh, Babe when I pick up the phone There's still nobody home.
I've got a pair of Gohills boots and I got fading roots.
Emlkszik valaki, ki volt Vera Lynn? Emlkeztek, azt mondta, hogy tallkozunk majd mg egy szp napon. Vera! Vera! Mi lett veled? rzi mg valaki azt, amit rzek?
Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn? Remember how she said that We would meet again Some sunny day? Vera! Vera! What has become of you? Does anybody else in here Feel the way I do?
Hozztok haza a fikat! Hozztok haza a fikat! Ne legyen rva a sok gyerek, ne, ne! Hozztok haza a fikat!
Bring the boys back home. Bring the boys back home. Don't leave the children on their own, no, no. Bring the boys back home.
Hel?! Van valaki odabent? Csak blintson, ha hallja! Van itthon valaki? Na gyernk, hallom rossz kedve van. Segthetek a fjdalmn, hogy jra lbra lljon. Laztson. Elszr nhny informcira van szksgem. Csak a lnyegre. Meg tudja mutatni, hol fj?
Nem fj sehol, oly tvol vagytok, mint egy messzi, fstlg haj a lthatron. Csak te kzeledsz a hullmokon. Mozog a szd, de nem rtem, mit mondasz. Gyerekkoromban egyszer lzas voltam, a kezeimet kt lggmbnek reztem. Most megint ugyanazt rzem. Nem tudom megmagyarzni, gysem rtentek, mi az, amit rzek. Kellemesen elernyedtem.
Jl van. Csak egy kis sznyogcsps, nem lesz tbb... h! Csak egy kis melygs. Fel tud llni? Azt hiszem, hat mr. J! gy mr vgig tudja csinlni a msort. Gyernk, ideje indulni.
Nem fj sehol, oly tvol vagytok, mint egy messzi, fstlg haj a lthatron. Csak te kzeledsz a hullmokon. Mozog a szd, de nem rtem, mit mondasz. Amikor gyerek voltam, megpillantottam valamit, pp csak a szemem sarkbl. Odanztem, de eltnt mr, nem is tudom, mi volt igazn. Felnttem mr, az lom elszllt, kellemesen elernyedtem.
Hello?! Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anyone at home? Come on, now, I hear you're feeling down. Well I can ease your pain Get you on your feet again. Relax. I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts. Can you show me where it hurts?
There is no pain you are receding A distant ship, smoke on the horizon. You are only coming through in waves. Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying. When I was a child I had a fever My hands felt just like two balloons. Now I've got that feeling once again I can't explain you would not understand This is not how I am. I have become comfortably numb.
O.K. Just a little pinprick. ping There'll be no more... Aaaaaaaaah! But you may feel a little sick. Can you stand up? I do believe it's working, good. That'll keep you going through the show Come on it's time to go.
There is no pain you are receding A distant ship, smoke on the horizon. You are only coming through in waves. Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying. When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse Out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look but it was gone I cannot put my finger on it now The child is grown, The dream is gone. I have become comfortably numb.
Oooooh Anya, Oooooh Apa Muszj beinduljon a msor? Oooooh Apa. Vigyl haza. Oooooh Anya. Hadd menjek el.
Biztosan valami flrerts trtnt. n nem gy gondoltam, hogy elveszik a lelkem. Tl reg vagyok mr, tl ksn van mr?
Oooooh Anya, Oooooh Apa, hov tntek az rzsek? Oooooh Anya, Oooooh Apa, fogok mg emlkezni az nekekre? A bulinak kezddni kell.
Ooooh, Ma, Oooh Pa Must the show go on? Ooooh, Pa. Take me home Ooooh, Ma. Let me go
There must be some mistake I didnt mean to let them Take away my soul. Am I too old, is it too late?
Ooooh, Ma, Ooooh Pa, Where has the feeling gone? Ooooh, Ma, Ooooh Pa, Will I remember the songs? The show must go on.
Szval gondoltad, hogy j lenne elmenni az eladsra. rezni a borzongat zrzavart, a hely sugrz izzst. Rossz hrem van szmodra, drga. Pink rosszul lett, a szllodban maradt. Minket kldtek helyettk a dobogra. Ht ma este kiderl, milyenek is vagytok valjban.
Vannak buzik ma este kztetek? A falhoz velk! Az ott a reflektorfnyben nem tetszik nekem, a falhoz vele! Az ott zsidnak ltszik! Az meg egy fekete! Ki engedte be ezt a cscselket? Az ott fvet szv, az meg ott csupa pattans! Ha rajtam mlna, kinyrnm az egsz bagzst!
So ya Thought ya Might like to Go to the show. To feel that warm thrill of confusion, That space cadet glow. I've got some bad news for you sunshine, Pink isn't well, he stayed back at the hotel And they sent us along as a surrogate band We're gonna find out where you folks really stand.
Are there any queers in the theater tonight? Get them up against the wall! There's one in the spotlight, he don't look right to me, Get him up against the wall! That one looks Jewish! And that one's a coon! Who let all of this riff-raff into the room? There's one smoking a joint, And another with spots! If I had my way, I'd have all of you shot!
Szaladj, fuss, rohanj, meneklj. Jobban teszed, ha arcodat lca mg rejted, begombolod a szdat, rollt hzol a szemedre. res a mosolyod s hes a szved. rzed, amint bns mltadbl feltr a gyllet. Bomlott idegekkel, amikor sszetrnek a kagylburkok s kalapcsok trik be az ajtt, jobb lesz, ha futsz!
Szaladj, fuss, rohanj, meneklj. Jobb, ha a nappalt vgigalszod, s futsz egsz jjel. Koszos vgyaidat rejtsd el nagyon mlyen. s ha bartndet elviszed valahov este, jobb, ha ott parkolsz, ahol senki nem r el. Mert ha elkapnak a hts lsen, hajfrtjeivel jtszva, miszlikre vgva kldenek vissza a mamdhoz. Jobb lesz, ha futsz!
Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run. You better make your face up in Your favorite disguise. With your button down lips and your Roller blind eyes. With your empty smile And your hungry heart. Feel the bile rising from your guilty past. With your nerves in tatters When the conchshell shatters And the hammers batter Down the door. You'd better run.
Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run. You better sleep all day And run all night. Keep your dirty feelings Deep inside. And if you're taking your girlfriend Out tonight You'd better park the car Well out of sight. Cause if they catch you in the back seat Trying to pick her locks, They're gonna send you back to mother In a cardboard box. You better run.
Oooooh, itt nem rhettek el. Oooooh, prblkoznotok sincs rtelme. g veled, kegyetlen vilg, vge, mehetsz mr.
Egy bunkerben lve a sajt falam mgtt, frgekre vrva, tkletesen elszigetelve a falam mgtt, frgekre vrva.
Vrjuk, hogy kivgjuk a rossz ft. Vrjuk, hogy megtiszttsuk a vrost. Vrjuk, hogy ldzzk a frgeket. Vrjuk, hogy flvegynk egy fekete inget. Vrjuk, hogy kirtsuk a gyengket. Vrjuk, hogy betrjk az ablakaikat s bergjuk az ajtikat. Vrunk a vgs megoldsra, hogy kilezdjn a feszltsg. Vrjuk, hogy ldzzk a frgeket. Vrjuk, hogy megengedjk a zuhanyzkat s begyjtsuk a kemencket. Vrunk a buzikra s a ngerekre s a vrsekre s a zsidkra. Vrjuk, hogy zzk a frgeket.
Akarod, bartom, hogy Britannia jbl hatalom legyen? Csak annyit kell tenned, hogy ldzd a frgeket. Akarod, bartom, hogy sznesbr testvreinket jbl haza kldjk? Csak annyi a dolgod, hogy zd a frgeket.
Ooooh, you cannot reach me now Ooooh, no matter how you try Goodbye, cruel world, it's over Walk on by.
Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall Waiting for the worms to come. In perfect isolation here behind my wall Waiting for the worms to come.
Waiting to cut out the deadwood. Waiting to clean up the city. Waiting to follow the worms. Waiting to put on a black shirt. Waiting to weed out the weaklings. Waiting to smash in their windows And kick in their doors. Waiting for the final solution To strengthen the strain. Waiting to follow the worms. Waiting to turn on the showers And fire the ovens. Waiting for the queers and the coons and the reds and the jews. Waiting to follow the worms.
Would you like to see Britannia Rule again, my friend? All you have to do is follow the worms. Would you like to send our colored cousins Home again, my friend? All you need to do is follow the worms.
llj! Haza akarok menni, levetni ezt az egyenruht s kiszllni a bulibl. De csak vrok ebben a cellban, mert tudnom kell: vajon mindvgig bns voltam?
Stop! I wanna go home Take off this uniform And leave the show. But I'm waiting in this cell Because I have to know. Have I been guilty all this time?
J reggelt frgessge! Hamarosan vilgosan bebizonyosodik, hogy az nk eltt ll vdlottat rajtakaptk rzsei kimutatsban, majdhogynem emberi rzsek kimutatsban. Nem lesz ez j. Szltsk a tanrt!
Mindig mondtam, hogy ennek nem lesz j vge, br r. Ha rajtam llt volna, n mresre tantom, de kezem ktve volt. A szplelkek s mvszek gyilkossggal futni hagytk. Ma vgre jl elverhetem?
rlt, jtkok a padlsszobban, rlt vagyok, Meg vagyok huzatva. Biztosan elvittk a jtkgolyimat. rlt, elment az esze, komplett rlt.
(a felesg) Na, te szemt, most megkaptad, remlem, eldobjk a kulcsot. Nem rtott volna gyakrabban elbeszlgetnnk, de nem! A magad tjt jrtad. Dltl-e mg fel azutn otthonokat? Csak t percet adjon, frgessge, neki s nekem, ngyszemkzt.
(az anya) Kicsim! Gyere anyukdhoz, kincsem, hadd leljelek keblemre. Uram, soha nem akartam, hogy brmi baj rje. Mirt is kellett elhagyjon engem? Br r, engedje meg, hogy hazavigyem.
rlt, a szivrvny eltnt, rlt vagyok, Az ablakon rcsok. Biztos volt itt egy ajt a falban, mikor bejttem. rlt, a szivrvny eltnt, komplett rlt.
A tnylls a brsg eltt teljesen vilgos, az eskdtszknek nem is kell sszelnie. Mita br vagyok, mg soha nem volt senki, aki jobban megrdemelte volna, hogy a trvny lesjtson r. Amiatt, ahogyan szenvedst okoztl kitn felesgednek s anydnak, legszvesebben leszarnlak! De mivel, bartocskm, elrultad legmlyebb flelmedet, az tlet: llj vdtelen a tbbiek eltt. Dljn fal!
Good morning, Worm your honor. The crown will plainly show The prisoner who now stands before you Was caught red-handed showing feelings Showing feelings of an almost human nature; This will not do. Call the schoolmaster!
I always said he'd come to no good In the end your honor. If they'd let me have my way I could Have flayed him into shape. But my hands were tied, The bleeding hearts and artists Let him get away with murder. Let me hammer him today?
Crazy, Toys in the attic I am crazy, Truly gone fishing. They must have taken my marbles away. Crazy, toys in the attic he is crazy.
(the wife) You little shit you're in it now, I hope they throw away the key. You should have talked to me more often Than you did, but no! You had to go Your own way, have you broken any Homes up lately? Just five minutes, Worm your honor, Him and Me, alone.
(the mother) Baaaaaaaaaabe! Come to mother baby, let me hold you In my arms. M'lud I never wanted him to Get in any trouble. Why'd he ever have to leave me? Worm, your honor, let me take him home.
Crazy, Over the rainbow, I am crazy, Bars in the window. There must have been a door there in the wall When I came in. Crazy, over the rainbow, he is crazy.
The evidence before the court is Incontrivertable, there's no need for The jury to retire. In all my years of judging I have never heard before Of someone more deserving Of the full penaltie of law. The way you made them suffer, Your exquisite wife and mother, Fills me with the urge to defecate! Since, my friend, you have revealed your Deepest fear, I sentence you to be exposed before Your peers. Tear down the wall!
Magnyosan avagy prban, akik igazn szeretnek tged ott stlnak fel-le kvl a falon. Kik kz a kzben, kik bartaik krben. A szplelkek s a mvszek killnak rted.
s ha mr mindenk neked adtk, nhny megtntorodva elhull, de ht nem knny szveddel szttrni egy nyomorult rlt falat.
All alone, or in two's, The ones who really love you Walk up and down outside the wall. Some hand in hand And some gathered together in bands. The bleeding hearts and artists Make their stand.
And when they've given you their all Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall.